Shows I’m reviewing

Angel – I have a huge soft spot for Angel. I feel it does a great job of questioning morality and presenting it in shades of gray.

Big Bang Theory – It’s a fun little show that can at times be extremely funny, but it also could do with a lot of improvement.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer  – A cult classic, and I feel I should have a show set in high school that’s more realistic than Glee.

Castle – A pretty cute, extremely meta show that also examines the use of storytelling in television. I couldn’t pass it up for this site.

Chuck – Thinking about Chuck makes me incredibly sad. It’s one of those shows I think should have ended before it did, though at the time, I fought to keep it. This is partially in here because I want to examine where it went wrong.

Dexter – The story of America’s favorite serial killer. I’m easily frightened, so Dexter is a hard show for me to watch. But there are parts of it that are quite well-done and parts of it that could definitely use some work, and I think we can definitely learn something from it.

Entourage – A fairly vapid show about the good life, sometimes referred to as Sex and the City for men. There’s something about it that’s just enjoyable, and I feel like it’s a good show about friendship. I want my base to be broad, so it’ll be included.

Firefly – My favorite show. I can probably learn a lot from it, as well as get practice looking at something I love with a critical eye.

Fullmetal Alchemist – A fun and thought-provoking anime with just the right amount of fantasy for me to fall in love.

GleeGlee is a show that I think does so many things wrong, and one thing very right (the one-liners). Probably going to go more in depth here on what could be improved.

Greek – One of my guilty pleasures. Greek depicts a life I had no interest in joining and have no background in, but still managed to keep me interested.

Kitchen Confidential – A cute series that was cancelled quite quickly. I want to delve into why it was cancelled so soon when it is a fairly entertaining show.

Lost – A show that has created lots of opinions and mixed reactions. I think looking at it from a story-telling perspective will be interesting.

Psych – One of the funniest shows on television. They have to be doing something right.

Reaper – A cute show that was cancelled too soon and gets much better as it goes on.

Scrubs Scrubs is an incredibly cute comedy, and one that helped me get through my sophomore year of college in a new town with no friends. It’s included for it’s surrealist elements an because Dr. Cox may be my ideal man.

South Park – This cartoon is included for its satirical elements. I do not always agree with the messages, and I am sometimes a bit irked by the way Matt and Trey choose to present their social commentary. However, satire, if the viewer is receptive, can cause necessary reevaluation of one’s beliefs. Therefore, South Park is important enough to evaluate.

Trigun – My favorite anime and a beautifully done show. I feel I need to represent one or two anime on here, so this definitely had to be one of them.

Potential Shows for the future:

Death Note



Life on Mars (BBC version)


Once Upon a Time

Person of Interest

Veronica Mars


  1. Ah yes,Life On Mars BBC, would be grrat. The best ending to.a series ever!!!
    So I, if I had a vote that counted, would would do that.

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